The Immortal’s Poison


Did you hear or read The Immortal’s Poison? Lets discover now at BoxNovel, with latest chapter Chapter 1. 'The Immortal’s Poison' novel, written by Cataclysmic Bean, 豆子惹的祸, the most popular Light Novel covering in Action, Adventure, Harem, Martial Arts, Xianxia categories, Have more 320 translated chapters and other chapters are in progress. You will get the update soon!
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This is the story of the youth Wen Leyang, born into the family with an expertise in the cultivation of the Art of Poison.The enemy may not always be evil, and neither does someone evil necessarily be the enemy. However, one thing is certain. Wen Leyang is a frank and honest young man, a delightful hero who posseses a kind disposition towards any living creature.Learn about his journey as he embarks on an adventure of cultivating into an immortal.

The Immortal’s Poison