The Doctress with Healing Hands: Your Highness, Please Behave Yourself


Authors : He Yexin , Heart Of Lotus Leaf , 荷叶心

Status : Completed

Genres : Josei , Historical , Romance

Chapters: 39

Last update: 3 years ago

4.5 /5

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Bai Qingqing, the disciple of the Divine Physician, with goodwill, treats the domineering Prince for blindness, only to render herself at the mercy of him. In the name of practicing medicine, the doctress makes him have spicy cuisine for every meal as revenge. Seeing him frown upon the food, sweat at the pungent dishes, she is merely stoked! Poor Qingqing is no villain material, she ends up having a soft spot for him. Her tender care for the Prince unknowingly reveals her biggest secret-her true identity. After the prince's eyes are cured, he mobilizes the military with great fanfare to keep her around

The Doctress with Healing Hands: Your Highness, Please Behave Yourself