The Crazy Adventures of Wu Gate


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T/N: In Chinese, the in time travel is the same character as the in wear clothes."Why must I travel back in time ( chuan yue)?" Qing Qiao"Because If you don't wear clothes ( chuan) You'll catch a cold" Qing Qiao's servant girl, Dong Xi.If you once thought this was a time traveling novelWhat is a Benz? Beautiful men step aside. As a knowledgable woman who has gone through higher education, how can I tolerate a backward life without a computer, without chocolate, without a flushing toilet bowl? No matter what I must return back to the future! Thus started, Gu Qing Qiao's silly ridiculous legend, a side-splittingly funny case that started with one bowl of roast pork rice.But sadly, we may have guessed the start, but we weren't able to guess the end - Description from Novelupdates

The Crazy Adventures of Wu Gate