Substitute Bride Phoenix, The Tyrant's Pampered Demon Empress

Authors : Qin Shuangshuang

Status : Ongoing

Genres : Historical , Romance

Chapters: 605

Last update: 3 years ago

2.7 /5

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Despite being the ruler of a nation, nobody was willing to marry the vicious man with a bloodlust.An imperial decree forced an infamous fool, Minister Liu's Third Young Miss, to stand-in for a noble princess in the political marriage.Behind her seemingly plain looks and average existence, she actually turned out to be a rare beauty and the clan leader of assassins.From there on out, she was harassed by the tyrannical lord, as she embarked upon a dangerous path.Her: Become a demon and fight the heavens! Him: Spare some time to spoil her!

Substitute Bride Phoenix, The Tyrant's Pampered Demon Empress