Still, Wait For Me

Swfm, 重生之等你长大


Did you hear or read Still, Wait For Me? Lets discover now at BoxNovel, with latest chapter Chapter 1. 'Still, Wait For Me' novel, written by 项庭生, Xiang Tingsheng, the most popular Light Novel covering in School Life, Romance, Slice of Life, Adventure, Drama categories, Have more 675 translated chapters and other chapters are in progress. You will get the update soon!
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Inexplicably reborn in the year 2003, having failed terribly in his previous life, the prevailing concern with Xu Tingsheng, that stands above all else, is none other than her. But alas, he is just months away from entering university, while she is but in her first year of junior high Regarding this, all he can do is wait silentlyfor now.

Still, Wait For Me