Did you hear or read Silent Crown? Lets discover now at BoxNovel, with latest chapter Chapter 1. 'Silent Crown' novel, written by Feng Yue, 风月, the most popular Light Novel covering in Action, Adventure, Fantasy, Mature, Romance, Supernatural, Tragedy, Xuanhuan categories, Have more 394 translated chapters and other chapters are in progress. You will get the update soon!
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In this fantasy world, music and aether rules all. However, there is constant threat of demons and natural catastrophes. The most powerful men are musicians who use music, alchemy, and spells to safeguard their homes. A young man who just wants to find his father and know why his family was exiled, starts his journey of becoming musician a journey that leads him to the crown of justice and glory. We are born of aether, grow under aether and die as aether. Awe of Aether! Holy Code.

Silent Crown