Seal Cultivation for Self-Improvement

Status : Completed

Genres : Yaoi

Chapters: 96

Last update: 3 years ago

4.5 /5

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Yu Qiu once thought that he could rely on his shixiong forever, but when he was captured by the Shadow Demon, he watched helplessly as his shixiong stepped into the bride room together with a woman.He knew he was one foot in the grave, powerless to reverse the situation.After reincarnating, how could he walk the path of seal cultivation again?Rebel? Vengeance? Revenge? Depend on a loyal dog who would be his shield?That was too low for him!!!He was going to:Break up that haze in front of his eyes and turn it into tall mountains.No longer depend on anyone, but rely on his own strength for everything.Make every cultivator never say the words "seal cultivation is only supplementary" ever again.Become the strongest person in the world.Show that he will become a Daozhang. - Description from Novelupdates

Seal Cultivation for Self-Improvement