Did you hear or read Rebuild World? Lets discover now at BoxNovel, with latest chapter Chapter 1 - Akira and Alpha. 'Rebuild World' novel, written by Hikoukai, Nahuse, ナフセ, 非公開, the most popular Light Novel covering in Mystery, Sci-fi, Seinen, Supernatural, Action, Adventure, Fantasy, Mecha categories, Have more 293 translated chapters and other chapters are in progress. You will get the update soon!
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Akira, was born in the slum and wishes to get out but the only way he could was to risk his life in these ruins as a hunter.These ruins, known as the Old World, were danger zones where beasts roam; buildings crumble, and other humans hunt their ownThough Akira had expected to face death countless times there, he had never expected to meet a naked woman there.Standing exposed with her curvaceous curves and bosom out for all to admire, Alpha, the breathtaking beauty stood there, looking back at him.This mysterious enchantress walked towards Akira and

Rebuild World