Reborn Lady: Unparalleled Daughter of Concubine

Authors : Shi Xia , 拾夏

Status : Ongoing

Genres : Romance

Chapters: 360

Last update: 3 years ago

3.7 /5

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What would you do if you could restart your life? Qin Yunuan, the daughter of a concubine in a noble family, chooses to avenge. She has lost her mother, her beauty and her menial-like life, but the wife of her father and her older half-sister still do not let her go. The flame of fury drives the reborn girl to revenge. That is not an even road. What is facing her are the barrier of social class, imperial power and entangled love. A lily is turned into a Vileplume. Kinship, friendship and love drown her, but she turns the corner over and over again. How will she take revenge? Can the love comfort the scars on her heart? What will she choose love or hatred?

Reborn Lady: Unparalleled Daughter of Concubine