Nidome no Yuusha

Nidome no yuusha wa fukushuu no michi wo warai ayumu. ~maou yo, Sekai no hanbun wo yaru kara ore to fukushuu wo shiyou~, Nny, The hero is walking the second time on the path of vengeance while laughing ~ maou, I’m going to give you half of the world so take vengeance with me~, 二度目の勇者は復讐の道を嗤い歩む。 ~魔王よ、世界の半分をやるから俺と復讐をしよう~


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Ukei Kaito fought a desperate struggle in order to fulfill his role as a summoned hero. He defeated the Demon Lord and saved the very world, only to meet an end filled but with betrayal. The companions that he'd trusted throughout his journey betrayed him and killed him by sticking a blade through his chest.

Nidome no Yuusha