Mr. Yuan’s Dilemma: Can’t Help Falling in Love with You

Authors : Shy Maple Leaf

Status : Completed

Genres : Drama , Josei , Mystery , Romance

Chapters: 395

Last update: 3 years ago

3.9 /5

Did you hear or read Mr. Yuan’s Dilemma: Can’t Help Falling in Love with You? Lets discover now at BoxNovel, with latest chapter Chapter 1 - Chenyan, you should have accompanied Qinger into hell. 'Mr. Yuan’s Dilemma: Can’t Help Falling in Love with You' novel, written by Shy Maple Leaf, the most popular Light Novel covering in Drama, Josei, Mystery, Romance categories, Have more 395 translated chapters and other chapters are in progress. You will get the update soon!
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After years of longing, Mu Chenyan was finally going to marry the man of her dreams Yuan Xuan. However, on her wedding day, the tragic death of Shu Qinger, her well-known romantic competitor led to Mu Chenyan's prison sentence.Two years later, Mu Chenyan was released from prison due to insufficient evidence, but she ended in another "prison" the Yuan household. However, she was no longer the naive girl who would let anyone have their way with herHer days in the prison had left their marks and a passion for revenge was now ignited in her. Even as Yuan Xuan tried to regain her love, she has now built a wall to guard her heart, cutting off all advances from him.The question remains who killed Shu Qinger? Who are the people on her side, and those who are on the devil's?Love and hate intertwined, with Yuan Xuan's love and protectiveness over Mu Chenyan remaining unchanged

Mr. Yuan’s Dilemma: Can’t Help Falling in Love with You