Lust Knight

Authors : LamenThief

Status : Ongoing

Genres : Fantasy

Chapters: 525

Last update: a year ago

3.8 /5

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Lucien, a guy who has nothing but the desire to save his mother. To get strong enough, he makes a contract with the demon of Lust. And now, only by making a great harem, will he gain the power to protect those dear to him.---------------------This story contains sexual content. Though it's still a fantasy adventure (no reincarnation or system).-------------------I am a beginner author. I'm not completely fluent with the English language, it's my second language. This story is written with the help of my friend, Malcolm_Massey, who edits my chapters to avoid grammatical and misspellings mistakes.--------------------More chapters, better release rate, and exclusive content on my p!atreon: pa our discord group:

Lust Knight