Lifetime of Bliss And Contentment With You

Authors : Jiong Jiong You Yao , 囧囧有妖

Status : Completed

Genres : Romance , Drama , Josei , Supernatural

Chapters: 1638

Last update: 2 years ago

3.0 /5

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Lin Yan is a professional car racer who fell from grace after her sister set her up. She becomes an actress for the sake of her boyfriend, who later cheats on her with her sister. Her life, career and relationships reach a slump.Enter Pei Yucheng, the president of the JM corporationa multinational conglomerate. He is unfathomable, cold and aloof. At random, he would mysteriously lose control of himself, and Lin Yan is the only one who is able to calm him down. The first time she meets him, she feels an indescribable fear deep within her soul. Unbeknownst to her, they had met each other a long time ago, but she had chosen to forget himSoon, something puzzling and strange begins to happen to her. Occasionally, she loses consciousness and ends up in Pei Yucheng's room the next day, completely unaware of how she ended up there. She suspects that something has possessed her

Lifetime of Bliss And Contentment With You