I Cultivate Passively

Authors : Bloodied White Shirt

Status : Ongoing

Genres : Fantasy , Martial Arts , Adventure , Action

Chapters: 657

Last update: a year ago

4.9 /5

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#Passive Skills #Counter-stereotypeAfter thousands of years of silence, the world of cultivation once again welcomed the golden age.While the prodigies and sects' various disciples in the world competed, Zhou Feng had only a skill panel. And the panel would only give him passive skills.Gluttony: When you digest food, you can digest it faster and better. You will also get hungry faster.Strength: When you are not fighting, you will slowly regain 1% of your health.Blade-Sharpening Rock: You will gain 1 point every time you fight.Age Gracefully: Every year you live, you gain Defense +1.Armor: You will have armor of a certain ratio every time you attack.Dao Enlightenment: Increase of 1% to your familiarity with cultivating the Dao."All sorts of passive skills are vested within me. I cultivate passively!""As long as I can live until the end, then I will become the strongest!"

I Cultivate Passively