Hidden Marriage 99 Days: Please Restrain Yourself

Authors : Wan Lili

Status : Ongoing

Genres : Romance

Chapters: 1023

Last update: 3 years ago

4.4 /5

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On the surface, he is the aloof and standoffish patriot whose sole purpose is to serve the nation. On the darker side, he is an invincible, powerful and mysterious man.She has devised her scheme carefully, plotting against him to cheat him out of his everything and his first experiences. In the end, he flees, leaving all of his assets behind.On the second day, however, she is threatened with a knife and forced to go to church.He declares obnoxiously, "You either marry me, or die.""I'll marry you! I'll marry you! I'll marry you, will that do!?!"

Hidden Marriage 99 Days: Please Restrain Yourself