Handsome CEO’s Darling Wife

Authors : Flow07

Status : Completed

Genres : Fantasy , Romance

Chapters: 913

Last update: 3 years ago

4.4 /5

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"You're the moonlight that lights up the night's darkness~You're the rain that patches the dried up lands~You're the breath that keeps my heart alive~""Haha, hubby, you're becoming better at flattering me""As long as it is for you, I can become better at anything you want."- - - - - - - - - - - - - - -While running away for their lives, she sacrifices herself to let her beloved escape.Hua Lan wakes up in an unfamiliar, luxurious room to find that she's unable to recall anything about herself. Learning that information regarding her existence is wiped out, and that she needs to be cautious of the people out there to get her, Hua Lan starts a new life with a new identity.Surrounded by her dotting, handsome husband and his loving family, Hua Lan (now Mu Lan) adapts herself to her new life.But now in her dreams, she can hear a girlwhisper: "Until you say 'I love you', I'll keep our memories shut. Farewell, my love."Mu Liang knows that something isn't right about his beloved wife. But he doesn't care.All he can think of loving her, cherishing her, locking her up so that she will never return to her past.Because he knows that he won't be able to live a moment away from her.While living her life filled with happiness, what will happen to Mu Lan when her past beloved were to come and take her away?Can she bear to leave to her present to be with her past?

Handsome CEO’s Darling Wife