Golden Time

Authors : JungYong

Status : Completed

Genres : Drama , Fantasy , Mystery , Psychological , School Life , Slice of Life

Chapters: 155

Last update: 3 years ago

4.3 /5

Did you hear or read Golden Time? Lets discover now at BoxNovel, with latest chapter Chapter 1. 'Golden Time' novel, written by JungYong, the most popular Light Novel covering in Drama, Fantasy, Mystery, Psychological, School Life, Slice of Life categories, Have more 155 translated chapters and other chapters are in progress. You will get the update soon!
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Golden time is a Korean Medical Drama/ Reincarnation Novel. The novel is short and progresses quickly as the main character is sent back in time to his teenage years when he got into a severe accident. Causing him to lose most of his memories and even trapping him in a coma for three months. The main character wakes up 3 months later where the only memory remaining in his head are his medical knowledge and his name.A story about the life of a young teenage boy growing up as he strives to save as many lives as he can and becoming the greatest doctor in the world.Golden Time, a moment in which a life can be saved!

Golden Time