Did you hear or read Dragoon? Lets discover now at BoxNovel, with latest chapter Chapter 1. 'Dragoon' novel, written by Waka / Yume Yume, the most popular Light Novel covering in Comedy, Drama, Action, Adventure, Fantasy, Martial Arts, School Life, Shounen, Slice of Life categories, Have more 170 translated chapters and other chapters are in progress. You will get the update soon!
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Rudel Arses, the first born of one of the Three Lords' of the Courtois Kingdom, is from a corrupted family, but at 5 years old, he saw a dragon in the sky and his dark future as a villain changed. He was considered an idiot, but was that true? How would his effort to become a dragoon change the kingdom?His family and servants don't care about him, only looking and doting upon the second child, Chlust, and his other sister from the same mother, Erselica.
