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Ace of the Dragon Division
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There's SIS in great Britain, CIA in the US. In Huaxia, there's Dragon Division, known as the mysterious power of the East.When a soldier that originally failed to be selected to join, appeared on the Dragon Division's list again, no one noticed, that this inconspicuous and humble looking guy was actually the Dragon King of the division, the one that's most difficult to deal with.He was a man, whose appearance gave every one existential crisis, including a fly that was consecutively caught by him with a pair of chopsticks. Of course, this story is hilarious as well.[Shen Yao laughed. "You think I would help you? For what reason?"Xu Cheng sighed. "Shen Yao, to be honest, you are really pretty.""Humph." Shen Yao snorted coldly, "Can you elaborate on that for me?" "I don't know how to get into details, but I can only say that when I accidentally tore your skirt today, I got a boner." ] - Description from Novelupdates
- Chapter 1274 1275: Passers-by in life (full book)
- Chapter 1273 1274: Fan Wai: recognition of the pro, the old
- Chapter 1272 1273: Fan Wai: This is the world I want to show you!
- Chapter 1271 1272: Fan Wai: visiting relatives and seeing people
- Chapter 1270 1271: Fanwai: Going to Beijing
- Chapter 1269 1270: Fan Wai: New Century (3)
- Chapter 1268 1269: Fan Wai: New Century 2
- Chapter 1267 1268: Fanwai: New Century (1)
- Chapter 1266 1267: Return to the hometown (end)
- Chapter 1265 1266: The new era
- Chapter 1264 1265: Successful interception
- Chapter 1263 1264: He is not really aru
- Chapter 1262 1263: Air raid!
- Chapter 1261 1262: Open fire
- Chapter 1260 1261: They are crazy, you husband and wife are more crazy
- Chapter 1259 1260: Hands-on!
- Chapter 1258 1259: I am coming to report it
- Chapter 1257 1258: Joint killing him
- Chapter 1256 1257: God, may not be happy
- Chapter 1255 1256: It’s time to show everything
- Chapter 1254 1255: Envy and hate
- Chapter 1253 1254: In a word, the world will shake
- Chapter 1252 1253: Proposal
- Chapter 1251 1252: Invincible
- Chapter 1250 1251: The actress who admires the encounter
- Chapter 1249 1250: A month later, jihad is coming!
- Chapter 1248 1249: Doctrines can't influence me, by you?
- Chapter 1247 1248: Tough
- Chapter 1246 1247: They are coming
- Chapter 1245 1246: Wall grass
- Chapter 1244 1245: He is coming!
- Chapter 1243 1244: The banquet is the meaning of the leader!
- Chapter 1242 1243: Very popular
- Chapter 1241 1242: Feast
- Chapter 1240 1241: People can't see the stage of us
- Chapter 1239 1240: Invincible!
- Chapter 1238 1239: Preparation before the banquet
- Chapter 1237 1238: I am destined to harm you
- Chapter 1236 1237: Donate 5 billion for my child
- Chapter 1235 1236: I want to be a father!
- Chapter 1234 1235: Mrs. Xu, you are pregnant
- Chapter 1233 1234: Old gentleman, welcome back
- Chapter 1232 1233: One of the three council presidents of the Alien Club
- Chapter 1231 1232: Depressed with vomiting blood
- Chapter 1230 1231: I gave Mr. Haber, don't want money!
- Chapter 1229 1230: Which fool will buy?
- Chapter 1228 1229: The subtlety caused by a gossip
- Chapter 1227 1228: Bold and daring
- Chapter 1226 1227: Alien is unable to copy
- Chapter 1225 1226: I pinched my nose and recognized
- Chapter 1224 1225: Right
- Chapter 1223 1224: Afterwards
- Chapter 1222 1223: Dagger
- Chapter 1220 1222: Limit
- Chapter 1219 1220: Not afraid of death? Then let you not want to live
- Chapter 1218 1219: Nothing is impossible for money
- Chapter 1217 1218: Capture
- Chapter 1216 1217: Land of Glory
- Chapter 1215 1216: The former teenager
- Chapter 1214 1215: They are reminding me not to ignore them
- Chapter 1213 1214: The war has started
- Chapter 1212 1213: I don't want to die!
- Chapter 1211 1212: I have never seen my boss retreat
- Chapter 1210 1211: The invisible forces of the world
- Chapter 1209 1210: He is the man behind the scenes
- Chapter 1208 1209: What did you say?
- Chapter 1207 1208: A phone call
- Chapter 1206 1207: Cancel cooperation
- Chapter 1205 1206: My goodness does not mean that I am afraid of things
- Chapter 1204 1205: Look
- Chapter 1203 1204: What kind of man did the woman marry?
- Chapter 1202 1203: Nature is like the international police
- Chapter 1201 1202: The county magistrate is not as good as the current
- Chapter 1200 1201: Hao!
- Chapter 1199 1200: Because this land is buried with his parents
- Chapter 1198 1199: Training
- Chapter 1197 1198: Have you seen the gods angry?
- Chapter 1196 1197: The work that Zhou Lian has to do
- Chapter 1195 1196: More than one thing is less than one thing
- Chapter 1194 1195: Meet a nasty person
- Chapter 1193 1194: Acting
- Chapter 1192 1193: Don't you call a sister?
- Chapter 1191 1192: Isn't he master?
- Chapter 1190 1191: My seat passed to my apprentice
- Chapter 1189 1190: A mad dog
- Chapter 1188 1189: Luo Yisheng moved
- Chapter 1187 1188: I want to give her a wedding
- Chapter 1186 1187: It seems that Xu Shaoye is back
- Chapter 12 012: blocked
- Chapter 11 011: a bunch of pampered people
- Chapter 10 010: Three people we can't provoke
- Chapter 9 009: You will only hide?
- Chapter 8 008: Shooting and accuracy
- Chapter 7 007: Flower Protector
- Chapter 6 006: Two women
- Chapter 5 005: Sharing
- Chapter 4 004: You are stupid
- Chapter 3 003: The most familiar stranger
- Chapter 2 002: He is my husband
- Chapter 1 001: I will come back again!