A Billion Stars Can’t Amount to You

Authors : Ye Fei Ye , 叶非夜

Status : Completed

Genres : Romance , Drama

Chapters: 1075

Last update: 3 years ago

3.0 /5

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Time stopped at eighteen for Ji Yi, and now all she wants to do is pick up from where she left off. Her career depends on it, and on top of that, she has to survive a fake marriage turned real! Some missed opportunities are irreplaceable, and some misunderstandings between them have proven near-fatal, but for He Jichen, he isn't just a pretty facehe's an opportunist. They may have lost their prime years together, but He Jichen is more than willing to spend his remaining years with her. If only she would just trust him Will Ji Yi be able to find true love in this life? Can she outmaneuver all the snakes plotting her downfall? Only time will tell

A Billion Stars Can’t Amount to You