100k Volts Electrocutes You to Death


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One morning after being struck by lightning, Ye Wenxuan inexplicably gained the superpower of being able to generate electricity.If he jammed his finger into one of the generator terminals in an electricity power plant, he could provide a year's worth of power for 3 Tier 1 cities simultaneously, receiving the name "the mobile nuclear power plant."The country's electrical company's boss held his hand, speaking emotionally: "Comrade ah, the country's future electrical development will all depend on you!"Ye Wenxuan: WTFLater, the "mobile nuclear power plant" was dispatched to be a bodyguard for a local tyrant.Xing Yuan coldly said: "Just now did you or did you not electrocute me?"Ye Wenxuan pointed to the heavens and swore: "I am an honorable employee, how could it be possible for me to make a move on my employer!"Later onhe made a move. - Description from Novelupdates

100k Volts Electrocutes You to Death