People In Konoha, Anbe Tortured Ninjas For Ten Years! - Chapter 874 Aoba's plan

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Right at this moment in time.

Everyone's mind is different.

The three generations are thinking about how to get out of this predicament and consider Xiaonan's public opinion.

Xiaonan was shocked because of the purchasing power of Konoha Village.

Hand beat is starting to fantasize about how to get some service staff when the shop of Ichiro Ramen is upgraded.

The whole process continued to show different scenes among them, including those who are eating noodles in Yile Ramen now, and they also began to think about how to proceed.

After all, each of them is struggling now, hoping that someone can stand up and learn from Xiaolan, but at the same time, they hope that they can keep on going so that people outside will not come in. This is a very contradictory psychology. I hope to be able to move to the next step sooner, but I don't want to move to the next step so quickly. For any approach on both sides, they have their inner reasons to support them.

At the same time, those who stood outside had some bizarre feelings in their hearts.

They want to be able to get into a ramen as soon as possible, and they don't understand why the people in it don't come out.

Many strange thoughts sprouted in their hearts.

This makes them very incomprehensible.

for a while.

Ichiraku Ramen is now as deadlocked as it was the day before.

Under this stalemate, no one has broken it.

the other side.

Those ninjas who had left Ichira Ramen began to prepare for the next move.

These people were found in advance by Minato Namikaze, and they were very trustworthy people. They all had task books in their hands, and the task books were written to them by Aoba.

So their eyes fell on the task book and began to prepare for the next steps.


After these ninjas saw the contents of the mission book, everyone had an indescribable feeling in their hearts.

In a way, they feel that what is happening in front of them is completely in conflict with what they are planning, and this conflict is the one that he does not understand very well.

They had no idea what was going on.

Obviously in the previous missions, the things they saw about Xiao Nan were so unbearable that they were very angry and asked Minato Namifeng if he really wanted to leave Xiao Nan in the woods. In Ye Village, but after seeing the content of the quest, they felt that it was not as they expected.

After all, what I'm going to talk about next is about Xiaonan going back to save face.

This is completely different from the answer they expected.

At this point in time, the reason why Xiaonan's public opinion spread out in Konoha Village is precisely because of some of the things they have done.

They have been spreading Xiaonan's public opinion, and adding Xiaonan's perspective to the people of Konoha Village like a fragmented account, arousing their interest and making them want to come here to eat melons and watch a play.

To a certain extent, the reason why Xiaonan has such popularity in Konoha Village is inseparable from them.

But it is precisely because of this.

Now the problem is presented to them again.

The people in Konoha Village learned about Xiaonan almost entirely by what they said, but they were also very angry at the content at the time, but these things were refuted one by one in the latest task book, it seems that the previous Those contents are all taken out of context and are the result of omitting some context.

Now after adding those contexts and contexts, the original matter has suddenly undergone a huge deviation of 180 degrees.

It seems that everything is not the same as before.

Completely changed into a different look.


When almost everyone is thinking about these things, they are thinking something different in their hearts.

But everyone feels the same about Xiaonan.

This same feeling was also passed on to the people of Konoha Village.


All of this was pre-arranged by Aoba.

Qing Yu fully knew that things would eventually develop like this, so he deliberately let things go this way.

It is precisely because of this that after Qing Yu said these things, everyone's feelings were also within his expectations.


The things about Xiaonan here are the result of Qingyu's reorganization out of context. After all, he is in the original real world, and he is particularly aware of these things that are taken out of context. What kind of effect can he get in the end, because in the past, the online world often Something like this will happen.

As the so-called rumors open their mouths, refute the rumors and break their legs.

When Qingyu is spreading those public opinions, what he is using is a feeling similar to spreading rumors, because no one can ask Xiaolan for verification, and Xiaonan has not publicly refuted these things, which leads to Because people made all the effects intensified in these discussions, there were even many fabricated versions that even Aoba had never heard of.

After two days of continuous fermentation of this incident, people in the entire Konoha Village had a completely different feeling when they were thinking about this kind of thing.

When we discussed with each other, we found a lot of problems.

You can face up to these problems, and let everyone have different feelings when thinking about these things, but most of them think that Xiaonan has a problem. He is the betrayal of the country of rain. Although Konoha Village is also on the opposite side of the country of rain, it is difficult for them to accept such things as betrayal.

Loyalty is the number one priority in the ninja world, especially ninjas. They must have no doubts about the task. When completing the task, they will pay all costs. Even if they may sacrifice their lives at any time, they must not question the high-level officials.

This can be said to be a kind of brainwashing, or a kind of culture.

But it is indeed ingrained in the ninja world.

It can be said that this has been the case since the appearance of ninjas. Their values ​​have been deeply embedded in their brains, and they believe that this is the most profound value of ninjas. If they violate these, they will not be tolerated by ninjas.


To some extent.

That is a certain level of betrayal of what the ninja world is portraying.

Such people will be shamed, even if they are people from the opposite village, but in the ninja world, they rarely pay attention to this aspect. Some shelter, because in the eyes of the ninjas, as long as they can defect once, they will defect a second time.

A person who can become a rebel is not a particularly trustworthy person.

Based on such a consideration, after the people at the scene knew about this kind of thing, they also had some strange feelings in their eyes staring at Xiao Nan.

However, they had to spend more than a day with Xiaonan in Yile Ramen, because they were on a mission, and they had to obey Minato Namifeng's arrangement, even if this arrangement was not particularly understood in their cognition.

It is precisely because of such a premise that the ninjas at the scene all breathed a sigh of relief after leaving Yile Ramen.

After all, no matter how much they endure these things, their values ​​are completely different from those of Xiao Nan.

They are not willing to get along with Xiao Nan too much.

But after they read the latest mission book, a big question mark appeared in everyone's head, because this almost overturned all their previous inferences to a certain extent.

Such a subversion makes them feel that their previous cognition has been subverted.

They even feel sorry for Xiaonan to a certain extent, because each of them has regarded Xiaonan as a heinous person, so during this day, although they all had a good time with Xiaonan in Muye Village. In the ramen, there is almost no communication at all, and even looking at Xiao Nan again, there is incomparable disgust and rejection in his eyes.

in such a situation.

Xiao Nan didn't explain anything to them, nor did he have any other special feelings for them.

It was as if he didn't care about them at all.

This instead made them feel a strong sense of guilt in their hearts, and it seemed that it was because of them that Xiao Nan had this misunderstanding.

Now that they have obtained such a task book, and seeing the contents of the task book, their hearts are much more at ease, and they have even begun to impatiently want to defend Xiao Nan.


You can't say that now.

Because there are clear requirements in the task book, they can say these words, but they must wait until the next day.

That is to say, Xiao Nan now has to endure those contents again.

Such a situation is a torment for the ninjas at the scene, because Xiao Nan may not care about it, after all, he has experienced so much, but for them, they are the people who spread rumors, and when they know what they are After the rumors spread were wrong, the morals in the heart were condemned by some.

These condemnations stem from their conscience.

To some extent.

At first, after they learned about Xiaonan, they even had some sense of justice in their hearts, because they were still questioning Namifeng Minato, why should such people stay in Konoha Village, although they said no Get any answer, but they also hope that through their own efforts, in the process of creating public opinion, they will drive Xiaonan out of Konoha Village, at least let Xiaonan have no choice but to continue to stay in Konoha Village. .

But it is precisely because of this kind of thing that they do their best to spread Xiaonan's public opinion, and there is nothing wrong at all.

This also allows Xiaonan's public opinion to spread vigorously, because each of them is very dedicated, and they seem to be incarnated as messengers of justice, pushing everything in the right direction and pushing for justice to be punished. This so-called evil .


Now tell them the answer.

It's all just their own imagination.

Or it was because of some problems in these words that they were misled in their hearts.

After all, judging from the task book, these words are just a dry plot, and there is no point in pointing out Xiaonan's problems, and Xiaonan's problems are all guessed by them after seeing these things.

This is a very terrifying inducement, and even they are beginning to sigh with emotion for Qing Yu's ghostly ability.

After all, Qing Yu only wrote that paragraph, he did not judge Xiao Nan at all, but the feelings conveyed in those words made them feel that Xiao Nan was indeed not a good person.

But in the blink of an eye, after adding some cause and effect to these words, it seems to have changed into a different look.

Everyone at the moment has an indescribable feeling of depression in their hearts after seeing this.

It seems that everything that happened here has changed.

This change made them extremely difficult to accept in their hearts.

It seems that they misunderstood Xiao Nan before that led to the occurrence of the current scene.

If it were changed to another kind of feeling, it would definitely not let the current state become the current state.

This gave them a kind of public opinion environment that they wanted to come to the depths of the present, which was facilitated by them, and made them have a very strong unease in their conscience.

In addition, they got the task book in the afternoon of this day, but they could not execute the task until the next day, which made them feel very depressed.


All of this is in Aoba's plan.

Qing Yu knew very well what kind of emotional way to use to induce these people to do things by him.

Only when these people truly resonate that there is something wrong with Xiaonan, then when they announce public opinion, they will bring this emotion into it, and it will appear real. Just tell these people that everything is a plan and everything is false, then they will consider whether it is too much to say that Xiaonan, so they will restrain when they say it.

As long as these people feel that these things are fake, then these things may really turn out to be fake, and when people think about these things, they will feel that there are some fakes here.

But if these people believe that this is true from their hearts and souls, and everything comes from the most basic driving force in their hearts, then they will not feel that there is any problem in their hearts.

Instead, they had different plans in their hearts after that.

So after they got the task book, they immediately started to hype Xiao Nan.

But accordingly.

It is precisely because of what they have done.

Not only did it perfectly complete the content planned by Qingyu, but also described Xiaonan as very immersive, so that people from Konoha Village came here to eat melons one after another.

But now that they know the so-called truth of the matter, they realize that what they did before was wrong. It is precisely because what they did before was too violent, and now they have a very strong sense of guilt and guilt in their hearts. .

But their guilt cannot be released immediately at this time, but has to wait until the next day.

Under such a very depressing and aggrieved environment, when they actually do these things the next day, they will burst out with a stronger inner desire to explain Xiaonan clearly. This desire will also make the vortex of public opinion spread again in the direction they imagined.

All of this is Aoba's plan.

User rating: 4.2