I Am God! - Chapter 518 : primitive desire

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Lights flickered in the dark.

It is a woman who shines, the two senses of the sacred and the strange are combined in her, the beautiful **** is as cold as the deep winter, and it is accompanied by the ultimate temptation.

Meld opened his eyes and fell slowly, his feet touching the ground one after the other.

The two half-demon, half-human female monsters who fell from the human world to the abyss put on her traditional Wingman-style costumes, which were sewn from spotless white fabrics.

Meld walked out of the temple barefoot, her figure was completely incomparable to that tall and terrifying monster, but at the moment those monsters were stuck on the ground and dared not look up.

Especially when he walked out of the temple, all kinds of strange roars and shouts emerged at the same time.

"***s King!"


"***s King!"



Thousands of evil creatures shouted, and the demons danced wildly.

Those who can speak call out Meld's name, and those who cannot speak make various sounds.

And the powerful abyss legionnaires lined up in a row, kneeling outside the temple motionless.

Looking at it, in the entire black mud abyss, only Meld, the king of the abyss, looks the most like a normal life form. Without the black wings on that side, no one can imagine that she is the king of the black mud abyss.

Meld's cold eyes were lowered, and those eyes seemed to be warm, and the commanders of the abyss army who were crawling in front of her shivered involuntarily.

"Has the altar of the law of the abyss that I asked you to build ready?"

The powerful third-order monsters said immediately.

"It's built, Lord Meld."

"Just outside."

"We'll have people pull it up now."

The voice just fell.

Immediately, I saw a huge rotten wing demon flying up with chains involved, pulling up a behemoth from the depths of the swamp, an extremely evil altar made entirely of bones and flesh and blood appeared in front of the temple.

This altar is said to be an altar, but it actually looks like a womb, squirming like a living thing.

Finally, the altar was fastened to several pillars outside the shrine.

"*** Law Altar!"

Meld's expression didn't change, he just nodded reluctantly.

"It seems that you have not slackened the task I gave you."

The legion commanders of the Black Mud Abyss breathed a sigh of relief, but they knew how moody the king of the abyss was in front of them.

It doesn't matter if anyone made a mistake, or didn't get the job done.

She immediately kills it mercilessly as a consumable item.

"Lord Meld, your order is God's will." They bowed obediently.

"Everything follows your will. May you become a great **** and guard the eternal original sin." Immediately, a legion commander stepped forward and made a compliment.

"Lord Meld, you are the original desire, the most powerful king of the abyss!" As soon as the box of praise opened, it seemed like it couldn't be stopped.

"You are the mother of darkness." More people followed the example of those in front of them and made crazy voices, as if they couldn't express their inner piety without being crazy.


Even the peasants in the world know how much devotion these fallen monsters have in their hearts.


The wind blew up.

Meld flapped his wings and flew towards the altar.

The altar in front of him is a mythical altar, capable of extending Meld's power from the abyss to the world.

The embryonic body of the altar was built by Meld himself, but the later rituals and sacrifices were completed by Meld's servants and legion commanders.

It was the appearance of this altar that led to the appearance of some strange demons in the world.

These demons usually hide in the world, and choose the opportunity to enter the temples or churches of the gods who have not yet ascended to the throne, and become the "servants" of those gods.

Then find a way to steal the power of these gods, or even choose these gods to corrupt and corrupt.

Ever since the king of ***, Meld, who got the magic of becoming a **** from Anu, he immediately began to plot and plan his own way to become a god.

Not only her, but also Dark Moon, the king of rage on the other side.

Meld landed on the altar, and from the center of the altar pulled out a scepter exuding the power of a powerful spell, which was Meld's Staff of Fallen Angels.

She stretched out her other hand and called to the heights.

"Abyss Will!"

"In the name of the king of the abyss, I want to perfect my authority."

A terrifying scene appeared.

A huge mass of meat with no visible edge was squeezed out from the top layer of the black mud abyss, and a cloud of filth fell from the heights, followed by a black wind and rain in the black mud abyss.

"Hoohoo!" The wind whistled.

"Crash!" The rain poured down.

The nine-winged fallen angel stood on the altar in the dark and high place, facing the wind and rain, raising his hands high.

In the end, at the core of the abyss, a ray of light spit out from the huge and boundless chunk of meat, and fell downwards.

It is a spar like an evil eye, and it is also the mythical organ that the king of **** first merged into the abyss. It is black and white with a circle of threads.

Meld raised his hands high, just in time to catch his mythical organ.

The reason Meld summoned it was to use it to create his own mythical item.

If she can really succeed, it will become the most important link attached to the abyss system, just like the gate of original sin.


This mythical item is not counted in the sequence alone.

Because in the cup of God they are a whole, a whole with the source of the Abyss race and the oath of the crown of wisdom.

Everything is ready.

Meld became a nine-winged fallen angel, built an altar, and even built the fallen angel's rod.

She placed the spar on the scepter, and the scepter immediately exuded the power of the law.

Meld raised her scepter high, and circles of rays of light spread out, her spiritual field further expanded, and she continued to go deeper into the entire black mud abyss.

It was as if she really wanted to turn this entire abyss into her kingdom.

All the abyss monsters looked at the woman on the altar and were too scared to look up. The opponent was so powerful that they completely suppressed some of their inner thoughts.

Meld wouldn't pay attention to the servants who were crawling under her feet, she stroked her scepter and said softly.

"The Staff of the Fallen Angel."

"The Rod of Primordial Desire!"

"Whether it's intelligent species, or those stupid things."

"Everything that has life is occupying this world through the power and seeds of reproduction."

"That's the nature of life."

She raised the scepter in her hand high, calling for wind and rain in the darkness, shouting her own law of ***, a declaration of her own strength.

"I'm Meld, the king of ****."

"With this power, he will lead the abyss and take away everything in the world for the God of Original Sin."

Meld took a name for his Staff of Fallen Angels, his own mythical item.

Melder believed that the desire born of primal and primal desire was the desire for **** and reproduction.

It is also from this desire that all other desires are derived in the end.


is the original desire.

At this point, she can be regarded as a real divine choice, an existence that has embarked on the path of mythology.

And Meld has also planned her own path to becoming a god, and she is still taking the path of erosion, bringing the law of the abyss she created to the extreme.

And the goal is all other gods outside the abyss.

The first step is to connect all those who pray to her with the mythical altar, so that those mortals who have no reproductive power are tempted, and are invisiblely inspired by her power, and eventually become a **** under her control.

The second step is to give these mortals the power to reproduce with the power of the black mud of the abyss and the law of ***, but

They can only give birth to a half-demon; in fact, at this stage, she has already begun to harvest the power of the world, but of course Meld is not satisfied with this.

So there is the next third step, the demigods she controls will go deep into temples, sects, and believers in various places, up to a province, down to a shrine; pollute and replace these People's beliefs eventually occupy the magpie's nest.

If the third step is perfect, then there is the fourth step.

That is to completely seize everything from the pre-selected gods, just like she once seized the power of the black dragon on the void continent; but she will definitely not give others the same chance to fight back like the last time.

After Meld created the Rod of Primordial Desire, he returned to the place where he had drawn the rod.

I only saw that there was still a stone tablet on the altar, and one name after another had been written on the stone tablet, which was the goal that Meld was trying to erode and seize power.

All those who try to ascend to the throne of gods with mortal bodies.

Looking up from the bottom, I saw people who were famous in the world.

"Black Dragon Anu."

"Ackermanmon, the ghoul king."

"Quathered Serpent Kurmis."

"Happiness and Desire God choose Oran."

"The God of Deed and Codex Sukob."

And on the top line it says.

Duma, king of the sky envoys.

When looking at the other names, Meld's expression didn't change.

But seeing the last name, Meld's expression changed, and the cold woman showed a faint smile.

But that smile doesn't make people feel warm at all, it only makes people feel cruel and cold, with a desire to plunder and erode.


"My daughter, the son of the ancient gods."

"Come on, our family."

"together forever."

Her desire for Duma far exceeds other divine choices, and she wants to bring Duma down to the abyss and corrupt it.

Her will and desire to possess something is extremely strong, and she never cares about what others think.

Even if this person is her daughter.

Even, her god.


Totem City in Dragon Land.

Under the ancestor totem pole, Anu waited quietly.

Now that the first half-demon has been discovered, it is very likely that there will be a second or even a third among the lizardmen. No one knows how far the crazy demon king from the abyss has penetrated into the lizardmen.

Anu looked at the re-created ancestor totem pole, and the vicissitudes of life that saw through the years and time like an ascetic. At this moment, there was a tremor, and the fists of his hands were involuntarily clenched together.

The moment the shadow of the king of *** Meld appeared behind the scenes, many bad memories emerged in Anu's mind, those that did not belong to this world, painful and desperate memories.

He seemed to have returned to another world, on the continent called nothingness.

The black-winged demon king brought down a plague, robbed him of his control over the lizardmen, and expelled him in the name of a god, calling him a dragon.

"Black Winged Goddess!"

"Kill the dragon."

"Dragon Anu, you are the source of the turmoil!"

"Dedicate your life to the Dragon God!"

"Fight for the Black Winged Goddess!"

In a trance, the voices of thousands of lizardmen echoed in my ears.

They each shouted the names of their beliefs, and they each cursed the other's gods.

Because of these two names, the world has been in endless wars.

The battle of faith and mission has not stopped for thousands of years.

at last.

The two started a war for the mythical personality, and in that war, Anu lost.

Anu saw the mythical dragon that turned into black and spread the plague all over the world.

He saw a lizard man climbing a tower

Walls, cry of despair in the empty city.

"This is God!"

"This is God..."


Then he jumped down, and the loud laughter echoed in the sky like a Hong bell, getting louder and louder, resounding in the mind of the black dragon Anu.

In the end, he witnessed the last Lizardmen die.

He killed all the Lizardmen with his own hands, ending the era and civilization of the Lizardmen.

Above the boundless sea, there are tears of hatred and regret, but only the voice of the loser can be heard in the back of my mind.

"I didn't expect it to end like this."

In that life that seemed like a dream, he had experienced too many things, he had spanned hundreds of thousands of years, and he almost forgot who he was.

He couldn't tell whether those were fake or real.

Those who created their own hands, created servants and believers, whether they really existed, or just a bubble of nothingness.

But for him, it was all very real, and the despair was hard to remember.

Whether it is Anu the Lizardman or Anu the Black Dragon.

They both lost everything, one was abandoned by the serpent people, the other lost all the lizardmen.

That is their eternal dream and obsession.

Anu stretched out his hand and touched this ancestral totem pole. No matter in which story and in which life, he was accompanied by this totem pole.


"I won't let that scene happen again."

"This time I will protect the lizardmen and our civilization."

At this time, it became noisy outside.

"This woman was taken away by the abyss!"

"Kill her!"

"Kill her!"

"The Great Elder hasn't spoken yet, and it's not confirmed yet!"

Not long after, the Lizardman Chief Elder hurried in and told Anu.

"Really found another one!"

"But a pregnant woman was found, and the half-abyss species has not been born yet."

Anu asked him, "Are you sure?"

The elder Lizardman said, "Although she hasn't been examined yet, this pregnant woman is indeed believing in the king of ****, and she has had no children for more than 20 years before, and she had a child after she believed in the king of ****, what does it look like? Nothing is normal."

Anu said, "Still check it out."

A Yalong flew out, and it didn't take long for Anu to speak.

"Melder, who has to transmit her power over such a distance, it seems that she has made up her mind to attack us."

This remark also means that Anu has determined that the female lizardman outside is indeed pregnant with a half-demon.

The Lizardman Chief Elder looked anxious, with panic in his eyes.

"What about this?"

"Across such a distance, these evil beings can actually extend their power."

"We have to figure out a way, figure out a way to fix this."

The Lizardman Chief Elder looked outside, his eyes becoming stern.

"Those who dare to believe in the abyss demon must be severely punished, and those abyss demons must be burned alive."

Anu said at this time: "Just this, can the problem be solved?"

All the movements of the Lizardman Chief Elder stopped, and looked at Anu absentmindedly.

"Lord Anu, what should we do?"

The matter involves the existence of a person like the King of the Abyss, and it is indeed not something he can solve. UU Reading www.uukanshu.com

Anu said calmly.

"The important thing now is not just to solve the problems that have occurred, but more importantly, to prevent problems before they happen."

"Go and tell everyone, tell every lizardman, about the horrors and evils of the abyss."

"Tell them that the so-called primordial goddess of desire is actually the king of **** in the abyss."

"She is just deceiving mortals, and the so-called fertility power she bestows, the child born at the end is not a normal child at all, but a born child.

A monster from the abyss. "

"A crazy and inhuman monster."

"As for the woman who has been eroded by evil forces, after she gives birth to a child, send that half-demon to me."

The elder lizardman nodded: "To solve the problem with one hand, and prevent it from happening, I will arrange to do it immediately."

When he was about to leave, he suddenly turned around and couldn't help asking.

"Master Anu!"

"Does this really solve the problem?"

The elder lizardman stared at the extraordinary stone pillar worriedly. The ancestor totem pole is the foundation of the existence of the lizardman, and it is as important as the black dragon Anu, or the two existences themselves are one.

These abyss monsters came for this pillar. Once the pillar is eroded and destroyed, it can be said to be a huge blow to the lizardmen.

Because their extraordinary system is built on this.

What's more terrifying is that if the totem pole is completely eroded, the extraordinary system built on the totem pole is also controlled by the other party.

Anu said: "Of course it is impossible. If you want to really solve the problem, you want to not be eroded by the abyss."

"There's only one way."

"That is, the totem pole becomes a mythical prop, and the lizardmen have a real myth to guard."

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